May 24, 2013

Team Picnic & Awards - 2013

at PRG - Valley 
on Sunday, June 9th at 5 pm. 

Please bring an item to the picnic. (i.e. pasta salad, vegetables, fruit, deserts, pies, cupcakes, chicken, pizza, hambergers, etc.) It's 100% potluck. Please respond to the facebook post listing the item you plan to bring so that we do not have any duplicates! 

Team members 13 years or younger (or older with a coach's approval) are more than welcome to climb at YCS that day at 1 PM for FREE! We are having a small carnival from 4-5 pm after YCS and before the picnic so feel free to stay for that as well! Bring friends and family!

Rope Burn 2019 Results

Follow this link to the Rope Burn 2019 Live Results!