September 26, 2013

2013 ABS Youth Comp Earthtreks Rockville

World Cup Format Youth Bouldering Competition
Saturday, October 5, 2013 
from 9am - 3pm
Earth Treks Climbing Center
725 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852

Competitors must have been born in 1995 or later.

9 am Check In
9:30 am Competitors Meeting
10 am Climbing begins
2 pm Climbing ends
3 pm - Awards
Price:  $40 USAC Members / $45 USAC Non-Members

Registration will be limited to 150 climbers and all registration will occur online in advance.  There will be no day of registration.  Registration will close at 5pm on Friday October 4th, or earlier if and when the event is filled. Register as a USAC member or non member. USAC membership will be verified on the day of the comp and all category assignments will be completed on comp day. Visit USA Climbing Memberships to renew or register for a new USAC membership.

Register online here.

Register by phone at 1-800-CLIMB-UP (1-800-254-6287) or 240-283-9942

USAC Members ($40) Registration

USAC Non-Members ($45) Registration

IFSC World Cup Format
Competitors will be divided into 5 groups, each group is given 7 problems. All competitors will be given 4 hours to attempt/complete all 7 problems. Problems can be tried in any order and as many times as desired by the competitor. A climbers score will be comprised of all 7 problems. Points will be awarded based on an IFSC World Cup scoring system. World Cup scoring uses a system of tops, bonus holds, and falls to determine a winner.

From IFSC 2013 Rules:


After each round of the competition, each competitor participating in that round shall be ranked within their Starting Group/Category using the following criteria:

a) First, in descending order, the number of successfully completed boulders (“TOPS”) in the current round;
b) Second, in ascending order, the total number of attempts to complete these boulders;
c) Third, In descending order, the total number of bonus points gained by the competitor in the current round;
d) Fourth, in ascending order, the total number of attempts to achieve these bonus points.
Junior: born in 1995 or 1996
Youth-A: born in 1997 or 1998
Youth-B: born in 1999 or 2000
Youth-C: born in 2001 or 2002
Youth-D: born in 2003 or later

September 23, 2013

2013 Share the Burn Partner Comp

September 28, 2013

3500 Scotts Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19129

5 pm - Check in Opens: 
6 pm - Competition Starts
9 pm - Competition Ends
Awards to Follow!

Open to both kids and adults. teams of two climbers will compete together and turn in a combined scorecard. All prizes will be awarded to teams based on the climbs both teammates complete. The competition will be a standard Redpoint competition with no limit to the number of tries a person gives to each problem. There will be 15 climbs set for each category worth between 10-150 points. Partners do NOT need to be in the same category to climb together. A climber who is climbing V6, for example, will do the Advanced problems, while the partner who climbs V1 will do the Novice problems. Prizes will be awarded based on total score, volume of problems completed, best team name, and more!
Novice: VB- V2
Intermediate: V3-V5
Advanced: V6-V7
Open: V8 +
$45 per team of two   

If you would like to volunteer for the Share the Burn comp,  please contact Randi Goldberg. Volunteers get the best seats in the house! Thanks in advance!volunteers can help with Judging Routes, Scoring, Set Up.

This is not a USA Climbing sanctioned competition. Participation does not count toward minimum competition requirements for USA Climbing Youth Divisionals.

September 20, 2013

8 Tips for Parents To Help Their Athletes Perform with Confidence

Here are some tips from  Lisa Cohn and Patrick Cohn, Ph.D who run a website dedicated to helping athletes, coaches, sports parents, and mental coaches understand and learn practical sports psychology strategies.

1. Self-motivation is the best type of motivation.
Motivation must be cultivated from the love of sports and competition - from within the athlete himself. You want them to practice and compete for themselves and not because they want to do it for you or to please a parent.

2. Your agenda may not be your athlete's agenda.
Athletes play sports for many reasons. Maybe they love the competition, the social aspect, being part of a group, or the challenge of competition. Your agenda for your athlete's participation might interfere with his/her motivation to compete. 

3. Help your athlete focus on the process.
Of course everyone wants to win, but teaching your athlete to focus on the process, the here and now, and focusing on one play at a time will help them play in the moment and with confidence.

4. Model composure and poise during competition.
If you become tight, serious, angry, or frustrated, so will your athlete. For athletes to perform well, the goal is to be loose, carefree, but at the same time focused on performing. Model composure by staying relaxed and positive. 
6. Always give positive feedback after competition.
It's easy to jump in and give your athlete advice on what not to do in the next competition or how to do better, but you should first give positive encouragement and pick out one or two skills your son/daughter did well.

7. Resist coaching during competition.
Practice and training are over. During competition, it's time to let them play. Too much coaching on technique or what you think your player should be doing can lead to a controlled or cautious performance.

8. Fuel their confidence.
Real confidence is stable and enduring. Help your athlete grow confidence by focusing them on what they did well after each game. Encourage them to improve upon instead of dwell on mistakes, and help them to think positively when they have doubts.

September 5, 2013

2 Skool for Kool

ABS Redpoint Format Comp
September 28, 2013
Vertical Rock
10225 Nokesville Rd,
Manassas, VA 20110
Youth Comp
9:00am – 10:00am Registration
  Pre-registration ($30)
  Day-of cost ($40)
  Non-USA Climbing Members Additional $5
9:45am Announcements and Rules
10am – 2pm Youth Climbing
Awards directly following

Adult Comp
4pm – 5pm Registration
  $10 Members
  $25 Non-members
  - Recreational (Up to 5.9 / V1)
  - Intermedtiate (5.9 - 5.11 / V2 / V3)
  - Advanced (5.11+ / V4+)
5-8pm Citizens Competition
8:30pm Finals
After party until close.

Rope Burn 2019 Results

Follow this link to the Rope Burn 2019 Live Results!