September 15, 2015

USA Climbing updates rules for 2015-2016 Season

Check out the rules updates for the 2015-2016 climbing Season.

Some Significant Changes include:

o Revised Rule 5.7.2:  Byes at Youth National Championships, based on categories.

o Revised Rule 5.7.4:  Byes for youth competitors at the Open National Championships.

o Clarified Rule 5.13.4(b): Speed-only competitors not required to attend local events.

o Revised Rules 5.14.2, 5.14.3, 5.16.1 and 5.16.2:   Revised the number of competitors advancing to
the Divisional Championships (10) and National Championships (6).

o Revised Rule 5.28.4:  Eliminated “Tops” as a factor for (onsight) scoring.

o Revised Rule 5.29.5:  Revised number of competitors advancing to Semi-final rounds of competition for Youth Bouldering, Sport and Speed to twenty (20).

o Revised Rule 5.40.8:  Revised rules pertaining to black and red tape.

o Revised Rule 6.5.1:  Revised climbing periods for Youth Championship competitions.

o Revised Rule 6.9.2:  Clarification of use of official video by judges.

o Revised Rule 6.10.1: Eliminated “Tops” as a factor for (onsight) scoring.

o Revised Rule 7.8.1:  Ties “broken by placement in the previous round(s).”

Rope Burn 2019 Results

Follow this link to the Rope Burn 2019 Live Results!