12 - 3pm
Climbing, Raffles, Bake sale
All ages welcome!
No Experience necessary
All ages welcome!
No Experience necessary
$20 per person, equipment and belayers included
All proceeds benefit CPH!
Let us know that you're going on Facebook
PRG members please help out by volunteering to belay or bake
Charlestown Playhouse is fundraising for an new parking lot and Safe Child Drop off Area. The increased traffic on Charlestown Road due to ongoing development and the new turnpike entrance has negatively impacted the current parking and drop-off situation. A much needed upgrade will keep our students and local commuters safe.
The Problem:
When Miss Betty Stonorov opened Charlestown Playhouse opened in 1936 as an early childhood education community, Charlestown Road was little more than a rural farm road. Over the years as the communities of Charlestown, Phoenixville, Great Valley and Chester Springs expanded to become suburban neighborhood's, Charlestown Road became a state road and traffic has steadily increased. Since the school is located very close to the road, dropping and picking up children has become more challenging every year.
At the end of 2012, the Pennsylvania Turnpike opened a new entrance in Great Valley off of Route 29, less than 2.5 miles from our school. Traffic has noticeably increased in front of our school on Charlestown Road and the models have estimated a continued 40-100% increase in traffic volume in the near future.
The Solution:
Charlestown Playschool is endeavoring to construct a new drop-off area which will alleviate congestion on Charlestown Road and greatly increase the safety of both our children and commuters along Charlestown Road. We need your help. Estimates for our project are $250,000. The project includes:
- a new driveway entrance with better site distance for vehicles,
- a drop-off area located over 100 feet off of the road
- additional off road parking for teachers, helpers and families,
- a covered outdoor classroom,
- elimination of traffic congestion on Charlestown Road during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up
- elimination of on street parking.
For more information about our beloved school please visit http://www.charlestownplayhouse.org/
Charlestown Playhouse, Inc is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization; all donations are tax deductible.
We gratefully thank you for your support! Please spread the word.