Information about rock climbing competitions, practices, events, and accomplishments of Team PRG, the Philadelphia Rock Gym competitive climbing team.
March 20, 2013
Let's go ice skating!
Team ice skating party Sunday, March 24th from 1:30- 4 pm at Center Ice (the rink right by Oaks).
It will be $7/ person ($5 to skate + $2 skate rental) if we have more than 20 people. If we have 10- 20 people, it'll be $8/ person ($6 to skate + $2 skate rental).
Members of both teams are, of course, welcome. Valley team members are welcome to stay for practice afterwards as well.
Siblings and family members are welcome to attend as well.
100 Pennco Road, Oaks, PA
If you are using a GPS, Google Maps, or Mapquest, enter Phoenixville as the city instead of Oaks.
Some GPSs may need to use 87 Brower Ave (old address)
Rope Burn 2019 Results
Follow this link to the Rope Burn 2019 Live Results!
Here are a few things I thought might be helpful to new climbers and some good reminders for experienced climbers. This is just a guide, ...
This Climber's Briefing is issued by USA Climbing. Please read it thoroughly and notice the items in RED. If you don't already know...
4/20/2013 Visit to register for this competition. This is a judged red-point format competition. Sche...